6 foods to lower cholesterol quickly

6 foods to lower cholesterol quickly
6 foods to lower cholesterol quickly

When we talk about cholesterol, most people keep in mind that there are two types, which we commonly know as "good" (HDL) and "bad" (LDL) cholesterol. Cholesterol is a type of fat - specifically lipoproteins: a combination of lipids and proteins - essential for the functioning of the body , for the manufacture of hormones and cell membranes.

At the moment when production control is disturbed and accumulation in the body occurs we talk about hypercholesterolemia , a condition that requires a shock plan, usually through a change of diet and habits - sometimes also medication -, to maintain the cholesterol in the scales recommended by the health authorities. Normal values ​​are found in 45-120 mg / dL of HDL cholesterol and 50-180 mg / dL of LDL cholesterol, without both exceeding a total of 130-220 mg / dL.
Normal values ​​are found in 45-120 mg / dL of HDL cholesterol and 50-180 mg / dL of LDL cholesterol, without both exceeding a total of 130-220 mg / dL.
Cholesterol is synthesized in the liver , although it also comes through food of animal origin, it does not dissolve in water and when it is very high it can cause blockages in the blood vessels. We talk about "good" cholesterol or HDL in reference to high-density lipoproteins, responsible for transporting cholesterol to the liver, which is responsible for excreting it through bile. On the other hand, the "bad" cholesterol or LDL are the low density lipoproteins that transport cholesterol to the tissues for use, the excess of which can be harmful since it can clog the arteries.

The good news is that " with a series of dietary changes and habits it is easy to reduce it, and even many people who take medication end up withdrawing it if they follow a series of guidelines," says nutritionist Paloma Quintana, who insists that, beyond Diet and medication, "the most important thing to keep cholesterol levels stable is to exercise intensely." Quintana points out that "the problem with cholesterol is that the one we have high is the one we produce, not so much that we consume through food", so that a proper diet can help reduce it but it will never be enough if it is not accompanied of the practice of exercise.

These are some of the foods that should be included in the diet if our cholesterol exceeds 220 mg / dL.

1- Blue fish

For Quintana, a big mistake that not only many people make but also some professionals when trying to reduce cholesterol is to eliminate all animal products. "You cannot put a sausage, processed meat or sardine in the same bag ", since the latter, as well as other blue fish, contains unsaturated fatty acids that improve cardiovascular health. Meanwhile, nutritionist Fatima Branco says that especially blue fish, but also white , "contribute significantly to improve our lipid profile, the health of the arteries and, therefore, control cholesterol."

Among others, you can find these blue fish in the market: sardine, tuna, salmon, trout, anchovy or anchovy and herring .

With a series of dietary changes and habits it is easy to reduce it, and even many people who take medication end up withdrawing it if they follow a series of guidelines. The most important thing to keep cholesterol levels stable is to exercise intensely

2- Red pepper

Red pepper

It is one of the foods with more vitamin C on the market (139 mg per 100 g, more than double that of orange, with 51 mg), whose consumption is interesting because it helps prevent plaques in the arteries . In this sense, although the pepper is one of the star foods in vitamin C, Branco points out that it is difficult to reach the recommended amounts, since it is usually taken as a garnish, and encourages taking whole oranges and other fruits with vitamin C, from kiwi to strawberries or tomatoes.

In general, Quintana recommends consuming “fresh vegetables, vegetables and fruits in large quantities”, as they not only contain vitamins that help us regulate cholesterol, but also displace the consumption of other foods.

3- Chia seeds

Chia seeds

Ground or hydrated flax or chia seeds are very interesting when it comes to preventing cholesterol. They not only contain omega 3 fatty acids, as with blue fish, but also fiber , "which helps us drag that cholesterol slowly," Quintana explains.

While introducing omega 3 into the diet, a type of unsaturated acids that the body does not manufacture by itself and we have to get through food, it is also important to guarantee the intake of omega 6, present mostly in oils vegetables. "Western diets usually have a deficit of omega 6 with respect to omega 3, something that must be corrected through food, since it is important that there is a correct proportion between both types of fatty acids in the body," explains Branco.

Western diets usually have a deficit of omega 6 with respect to omega 3, something that must be corrected through food, since it is important that there is a correct proportion between both types of fatty acids in the body

4- Egg


Although it is a food that continues to cause controversy regarding its relationship with cholesterol, Quintana notes that "several studies have related precisely to an increase in HDL cholesterol, which is what interests us." For the nutritionist, one of the advantages of the egg is that it contains high-quality protein in the diet as a substitute for other proteins that should be limited, such as those found in processed meats.

Branco, on the other hand, agrees that "according to the latest studies, the cholesterol in the egg does not contribute to increasing the cholesterol we call" bad "in the blood."

5- Avocado


“It contains a series of fatty acids that improve our body lipids,” says Quintana, as well as other foods that are required to keep cholesterol at bay, such as virgin olive oil or olives . For the nutritionist, this type of fat "must completely replace others, such as hydrogenated fats, mainly present in the ultraprocessed."

6- Nuts


It is essential to incorporate them into our day to day, and consume them always raw or roasted and in moderate quantities , since despite being very healthy they are quite caloric. "They not only contain heart-healthy fatty acids, but also minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and proteins", in addition to a lot of fiber, also essential in cholesterol reduction.

Exercise and not smoke

Quintana insists, however, that beyond incorporating all these foods into the diet, it is much more important to rule out others, as well as abandon certain habits such as tobacco or sedentary life .

“The first thing to do if we have cholesterol is to cut the consumption of refined, simple sugars, flours, etc. at the root. The simple carbohydrates and hydrogenated fats present in the ultraprocessed ones are the first thing to remove ”.

Quintana also warns that "there are certain factors, such as stress , that can raise cholesterol, so that if unexpected and alarming results occur, it is always convenient to repeat the analysis."
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