7 much more effective tips to lose weight

7 much more effective tips to lose weight
7 much more effective tips to lose weight

Thanks to the Internet, programs to reduce weight abound. The truth is that many people sign up and manage to lose several kilos. However, the way they are carried forward is not always the most advisable. In general, participants must follow a restrictive diet and very demanding physical training. Moreover, many of those who achieve the weight they seek end up recovering the previous weight or even increasing it (the famous "rebound effect").

But there are other methods to lose weight without having to suffer the process:

1. Take a path you can sustain

Nobody wants to regain weight soon after losing it. However, many people commit to unsustainable long-term diets and get the opposite effect to what they were looking for: more weight. Enjoying a healthy weight means a change in lifestyle. For this reason, you must work on a nutritional plan that nourishes your body and also gives you satisfaction, and that you can maintain for the rest of your life.

2. Learn to identify the origin of cravings

Whim? Eating foods loaded with sugars and saturated fats does not solve the underlying problem (much less helps you lose weight ). The next time you feel craving for something unhealthy sweet, imagine that you have a magic button with which you can modify something of your current life, what would you use it for? In that answer is the key to finding the origin of that craving. Visualizing the problem will help you think about concrete actions to solve it instead of falling into the temptation of a dessert.

3. Plan and prepare your meals in advance

When we are under pressure or stressed it is more difficult for us to focus and, in general, we end up opting for unhealthy foods. If you are a very busy person who does not have time to cook, you should devote some of your free time to plan your meals. Avoid complications and prepare your dishes in advance. Use the freezer as an ally and divide the food you will eat during the week. This way you will avoid buying food in delivery with low-quality ingredients and you will be assured of a rich and healthy menu.

4. Take time to have fun

Science has proven that stressed people tend to eat more than the bill. In addition, these people are more likely to make misguided food decisions (processed foods loaded with sugar and refined flour, for example). Therefore, it is important that you spend some time of your day to release tensions and relax. Today there are multiple options, from Zumba classes to salsa, sports, board games and yoga. Choose the one you like best and sign up. You will notice positive changes not only in your physique but also in your mood.

5. Ask yourself if you really are hungry before eating

Many times we feel very strong eagerness to eat that doesn't really respond to hunger. These cravings are more linked to an "emotional appetite" than to an authentic one. So, when you're about to eat the first bite: stop, take a deep breath and think if you're really hungry for food or if you're about to eat to feel better. This way you can easily distinguish what kind of hunger you are feeling and, again, identify whether certain emotions are hidden behind those cravings.

6. Plan your "likes"

Giving us a "taste" every so often does not have to be prohibited. Moreover, satisfying this desire will allow you to sustain the diet for a long period of time. Now, that "taste" must pass the two-week test: will you remember that you tasted this meal in two weeks? If so, then you can consume it but make it worth it. And, over time, it modifies cravings filled with sugar or salt refined by healthier foods. So you will have your luxury without incorporating harmful substances for your body.

7. Create an exercise routine

Diet is the most important factor in terms of weight loss, but ideally, it is accompanied by an exercise routine. It should also be according to your personal characteristics and your lifestyle. If you can complement the fun with exercise, much better!
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