12 tips not to break the diet and lose weight

How easy it is to dream of a slender body, don't you think? But when it comes to putting hands to work to lose those extra kilos the simple seems to become the most complicated. 

If you have already set your goal to lose weight by changing your diet for a healthier or balanced diet or diet, but it is still hard for you to get used to your new lifestyle and every two seconds you want to break the diet and eat bread, sweets or junk, then you came to the right place. 

It has also happened to us that we want to break the diet over and over again, so we want to share with you these effective tips that will help you stay firm in your weight loss purpose. 

1. Goodbye wonder diets. Before starting a diet, it is important that you choose a healthy diet that you can follow for life and not just for a few weeks or months. So go with a nutritionist to choose the diet that best suits your lifestyle.  

2. Make five meals a day, that is, three strong meals and two snacks, so you will feel satisfied throughout the day and you will not have cravings at all times.  

3. Do not forget to have breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day, so fill up on energy with a breakfast rich in protein and fiber and low in carbohydrates. 

4. Drink a glass of water before eating, you will see that that way you will not have so much appetite. 

5. Choose healthy snacks. It is not that you stop eating or starving, but that you choose healthy snacks such as cucumbers, carrots, apples, grapes, almonds or dried cranberries.  

6. Sleep well. Believe it or not, sleeping 7 to 8 hours a night will help you not to wake up hungry. Remember that fatigue causes you to feel appetite because your body is warning you of an energy deficit. 

7. Drink enough water. Water will be your ally to hydrate your body and feel satiated. Remember to drink at least six glasses of natural water.  

8. Fill your refrigerator with healthy food, that way every time you approach the kitchen you will have healthy options for eating and you will not feel guilty.

9. Order small portions. Avoid large plates and prefer meals with reasonable portions. 

10. Limit your alcohol consumption. Alcoholic beverages contain a lot of calories, especially if you mix them with other sugary drinks, so reducing your consumption will help you reach your goal.  

11. Do not drink sugary drinks. The same goes for sugary drinks, they contain many unnecessary calories; Avoid them if you really want to lose weight and take care of your health. 

12. Check your weight regularly, preferably once a week or every 15 days, so you will see your progress, but yes, try to weigh yourself on the same scale, the same day of the week, at the same time and with the same amount of rop. Remember that the weight varies, so if you want reliable figures, this is the best way. 
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