7 tips to have softer and irresistible lips

An irresistible mouth is one that looks healthy and cared for. To have softer lips, you can use different natural and homemade treatments

Tips for soft and irresistible lips
Tips for soft and irresistible lips

If your lips are cracked, dry and with detached skin, we advise you to use some of the following recipes and tips:

1. Use moisturizing lipstick

They are available in pharmacies, perfumeries and contain very good ingredients to reduce dryness, such as essential oils or petroleum jelly.

A good lip balm will provide vitamin E, which translates into soft and healthy skin. For hot days we recommend that you contain at least 30 protection factors.

Apply several times a day before using your favorite lipstick and even before sleeping at night.

2. Drink a lot of water

In addition to the external lipsticks, you should hydrate the body “inside”. And for that, you must drink a good amount of water daily.

If you don't like to drink a lot of water, you can include herbal teas and natural juices to meet the recommended dose.

3. Exfoliates the skin

This treatment is used to remove accumulated dead cells and allow a complete recovery of the skin. It is advised to give smooth movements so as not to hurt the area.

You can apply them with the help of a toothbrush and do not forget to put moisturizer at the end. Exfoliate once a week.

To exfoliate you can use thick honey, with sugar granules, because the more liquid version does not exfoliate. You can replace honey with petroleum jelly, but the most recommended "recipe" includes 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1 tablespoon of honey.

To prepare this paste, place the sugar and honey in a bowl, mix well and use a toothbrush to apply it. Place this preparation on the lips and, with gentle circular movements, massage the skin completely. Rinse with warm water.

4. Do not eat salty foods

Very salty foods are bad for the health of your lips. This is because the salt stays “stuck” in the skin and absorbs the little water that has been stored when they are dry.

If you can't avoid eating chips, try to rinse your mouth thoroughly when finished.

5. Protect them from the weather

During the summer the biggest enemy of this sensitive area, without a doubt, is the Sun. In addition to applying a protective factor on the skin, you will have to use special lipsticks and if possible not leave at noon. If you do wear a hat.

6. Don't lick or bite

Saliva dries the area of ​​the lips and also removes the layer of natural balm that protects it.

Nor is it good to bite your lips, because the pressure of the teeth damages the delicate skin.

7. Wet with oils

If you do not want to use lipsticks bought at a store, there is no problem, because you can use oils and enjoy all their moisturizing benefits. For example, olive or almond are recommended and very easy to obtain.

Apply a few drops on the skin and let it absorb completely.

You can take advantage when you are at home watching television or reading to perform this treatment. Better if you repeat it several times a day.

You will create a protective layer against the Sun, you will moisturize it, you will add shine to your lips.
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