20 Yoga poses for all levels

20 Yoga poses for all levels
20 Yoga poses for all levels
20 Yoga poses for all levelsThe yoga is one of the most beneficial disciplines physically and mentally. Its practice helps you exercise and strengthen your body, but it can also be a great ally to bring serenity to your life. Either because you want to start doing yoga or because you have been there for a while and you want to continue perfecting your technique, we can help you from enfemenino ! We have prepared a selection with some of the main yoga postures (there are many), which you can practice at home every day to improve your physical and mental state progressively.    

Before starting it is important to influence the aspect that yoga is not only a physical discipline. Although in most gyms and classes they focus on this dimension,  hatha yoga originally aims, in addition to maintaining a healthy body, to discipline the mind. So forget that it's just about exercise. Although asanas or postures have different benefits on the body, such as greater strength or flexibility, it can also provide well-being at the mental level and increase energy. Therefore, breathing is one of the keys.

If you have never practiced it, you should not worry. Most of the positions we have selected are very simple and only require a mat, half an hour and a lot of tranquility. Those that require more level appear as advanced and to master them you probably need more practice. But calm down, you will get it! Our recommendation is to be patient and do it gently,  without forcing to avoid injury. Although at first, you have little flexibility, little by little you will notice that it increases. In case you want to practice a full session, a good method is to choose 15 postures (5 standing, 5 sitting and 5 relaxing) and keep each of the 10 breaths or 5 in the case of relaxation. 

1. Lotus posture - Padmasana

- Technique: begins in a sitting position with crossed legs. Bend the right knee and place the right foot on the left thigh with the floor up, do the same with the left foot. Put your hands on your thighs with your palms facing up and put your thumb together with the index finger. Try to keep your back straight. You can close your eyes and breathe deeply. 

- Benefits: concentration and calm. 

2. The sitting clamp (beginner)

- Technique: sitting with your legs straight (or slightly bent), place a rope around the soles of your feet and gently stretch to move your upper body towards your knees. 

- Benefits: intense stretching of the entire back of the body, provides tranquility and peace.

3. Sitting clamp posture (advanced) - Pashimottanasana 

-Technique: sitting on the floor with straight legs, flexes the feet. Try to stick your face to your legs and hold your feet with your hands. Keep your back straight, don't arch your back to reach your legs. Direct your gaze to the feet and breathe deeply.

- Benefits: intense stretching of the entire back of the body, tranquility and peace.

4. Willow posture - Janu Sirsasana

- Technique: sitting, flex the right leg and place the sole of the foot against the left thigh. Breathe in, raise your arms and when you exhale, lean your body forward and hold your left foot with your hands. 

- Benefits: stretching of the back of the body and tranquility.

5. Knee posture on the head -  Marichyasana

- Technique: sitting, keep your right leg straight and bend your left leg with your foot attached to the buttock. Hold your hands behind your back. 

- Benefits: stretches the spine and shoulders. It calms the mind.

6. Warrior Pose (beginner) -  Virabhadrasana

- Technique: standing, keep one leg bent forward and the other one stretched back. Hold the trunk forward, raise your arms and lookup. 

- Benefits: stretch the trunk, open the hips and strengthen the legs.

7. Warrior posture (advanced) -  Virabhadrasana

- Technique: flexed front leg with knee aligned and back leg stretched. Extend the arms, keep the trunk towards the front and the neck and head profile. 

- Benefits: stretch the trunk, open the hips and strengthen the legs. 

8. Extended triangle posture -  Utthita Trikonasana

- Technique: separate the legs and keep them stretched. Slowly lean to the left with your knee in line with your ankle. Take your left hand with you and lower everything you can. Slowly rotate the neck to look towards the right hand, which is raised and with the fingers stretched. 

- Benefits: strengthens the ankles and legs. 

9. Large lateral extension -  Parsvakonasana

- Technique: forward one leg and bend it. Stretch your other leg back. Then bend your torso over the forward leg, place your right hand on the floor (on the outer side of the leg) and turn to look up. The other arm remains raised and stretched. 

- Benefits: complete stretching of the spine and leg. Open your shoulders and improve your breathing capacity. 

10. Torsion -  Parivritta Parsvakonasana

- Technique: flex one leg forward and stretch the other back. Tilt the trunk toward the front knee and turn it out, look at the floor and put your hands together in prayer position. 

- Benefits: toning and strengthening the spine.

11.  Tree pose - Vrksana

- Technique: standing, bend one leg so that the footrests on the inner side of the opposite thigh. Look straight ahead, stretch your arms to the sky and put your palms together.

- Benefits: improves balance and promotes concentration.

12. Boat posture (beginners) -  Navasana

- Technique: sitting, raise your legs and keep them slightly bent. Tilt the trunk back, forming a "V" and stretch your arms to maintain balance.

- Benefits: strengthens the abs, back and legs.

13.  Boat posture (advanced) 

A variant of the previous position.

Technique: Once the balance in the previous posture has been found, the legs are stretched upwards and the arms are stretched with the palms facing down, towards the ground, but without touching it.

14. Marichy posture (beginner) -  Marichyasana C

- Technique: sitting, bend one leg towards the buttocks and pass the other over with the knee bent and the foot resting on the floor. On that knee rest, the opposite elbow with the arm stretched. Turn your torso and head back. 

- Benefits: stimulates the abdominal organs.

15.  Marichy posture (advanced)

Technique: from the previous position, join the hands on the back. Pass the opposite arm below the bent knee and the other arm bring it towards the back until the hands are joined.

16. Fish pose -  Matsyasana

- Technique: lie down with your legs straight, place the top of your head on the floor and form an arch with your chest.

- Benefits: the opening of the chest and throat. Stimulation of the respiratory tract.

17.  Half bridge posture -  Urdhva Dhanurasana

- Technique: lie down, rest your elbows on the mat and stretch your feet. Raise the pelvis and hold the waist with your hands. 

- Benefits: stretching of the trunk and legs.

18.  Bridge posture (advanced) 

- Technique: from half a bridge, we throw our arms behind the head with the palms on the ground and raise the pelvis to form an arch.

- Benefits: stretching of the back, chest and arms.

19. Candle posture -  Sarvangasana

- Technique: lie on your back, rest your elbows on the floor and slowly raise your body until you are completely straight. The chin is stuck to the chest.

- Benefits: improves blood circulation. 

20. The corpse -  Savasana

Technique: lie on the floor, relax the body and place your hands up.

Benefits: relaxation. 

Enter our gallery to see each asana or pose with attention and make it so much easier to do it. You dare?
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