How to gain weight fast (for women)

For some women, gaining weight is as difficult as losing weight for others. However, there are many safe and effective ways to increase 1/2 to 1 kg (1 to 2 pounds) a week. Larger portions and more frequent meals are a quick way to add extra calories to your daily diet. Try to fill your meals with foods loaded with nutrients and calories. Do not forget to incorporate healthy exercises and other lifestyle changes into your routine to maintain weight over time.

How to gain weight fast
How to gain weight fast


Change your eating habits:

One: Eat 500 more calories a day. In general, it is safe to increase 1/2 to 1 kg (1 to 2 pounds) per week. To achieve this goal, add 500 more calories to your daily diet. The healthiest way to do it is to eat more nutrient-rich foods. 

  • To track what you eat, use a health app, such as My Fitness Pal. Write everything you eat and the amount of exercise you do. Register your weight once a week.

  • Check with your doctor or a registered nutritionist to find out your ideal weight. You can also estimate your healthy weight with a BMI calculator (body mass index). In general, a healthy BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9.

Two: Increase the size of your portions. Eat a second serving of food or add more food to your plate when you start. If you find it difficult to eat a larger meal, skip the snacks to have more appetite during meals. 
  • If consuming a double portion is too much for you, try to increase the portion over time. Start with an additional tablespoon of rice or add a sweet potato to the side. As time goes by, gradually add more food to your plate.

Three: If you don't like bigger meals, eat several smaller meals. Some people do not like the idea of ​​eating larger portions. Instead of increasing the portions, try to consume 6 smaller portions during the day that constitute breakfast, lunch, dinner and 3 snacks.

  • As a general rule, eat once every 3 or 4 hours while awake.
Four:Avoid drinking liquids 30 minutes before a meal. Liquids fill you and therefore, it costs you more to finish a whole meal. Wait to finish eating for a drink.

Five: Treat yourself to eat a snack before bedtime. If you eat a snack or a small meal before going to sleep, the body will not have time to burn it before sleeping. In addition, the body develops more muscle while you sleep. Eating a snack before bed gives the body the necessary nutrients to build more lean muscle during sleep. 
  • If you love to eat dessert, reserve it for bedtime. You can consume a bowl of fruit, a portion of ice cream or a few pieces of chocolate.
  • If you prefer savoury options, eat a bowl of pasta or cheese and crackers.
Six: Stimulate your appetite before meals. There are many tricks that can help you feel more hungry before eating, which leads you to eat more at a meal. Here are some simple ways to increase your appetite: 
  • Take a short walk before meals. Exercise helps you be more hungry.
  • Prepare dishes that you like. Make your favourite food to encourage you to eat it completely.
  • Cook new recipes. That way you'll feel more excited to try them.
  • Eat in a quiet and comfortable environment. If you are tense or distracted, you may not feel like eating much.


Choose the right foods and drinks:

One: Eat foods high in calories and nutrients. Although fast and processed foods are high in calories, they provide empty calories lacking sufficient nutrients. Nutrient-laden foods contain more calories and good fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. 
  • As for grains, eat heavy breads such as whole wheat bread and whole wheat rye bread. Other good options are bran muffins and wheat germ.
  • When it comes to fruits, opt for bananas, pineapple, raisins, dehydrated fruits and avocados. In general, starchy fruits are more convenient than water-rich fruits (such as watermelon and oranges), because they have a higher calorie and nutrient content.
  • In the case of vegetables, try peas, corn, potatoes and squash. As with fruits, starchy vegetables are better than those rich in water.
  • Within dairy, consider cheese, ice cream, frozen yogurt and whole milk.

Two: Try to include 3 food groups in a meal. When it comes to eating a meal or a snack, don't just consume 1 type of food. Add some different food groups to each meal. This will increase your calorie intake while it will be easier for you to eat more.

  • For example, don't just eat toast. Try to spread them with peanut butter and add slices of banana on top. Another option is to cover them with a sliced ​​avocado and accompany them with a glass of kefir on the side.
  • If you like eggs in the morning, prepare them scrambled with peppers and sausages.
  • Instead of just 1 cup of yogurt, add granola and berries.
Three: Eat more meals in liquid form if you have problems with solids. Sometimes it is difficult to motivate you to eat additional snacks. Try to drink high-calorie drinks between meals if you can't tolerate a snack.
  • The best shakes are those prepared with whole fruits and vegetables and yogurt.
  • Juices made with natural fruits add extra fiber and vitamins to your food.
  • Other good options are milk, milkshakes and protein shakes.
Four: Add additional ingredients to meals. You can add powders or nutritious foods rich in calories to your favourite foods to get extra calories without making you feel much fuller. The following are some excellent ways to achieve this: 

  • Add powdered milk to drinks, soups, stews and sauces.
  • Sprinkle nuts over your salad or cereal.
  • Add ground flax seed to salads, cereals and smoothies.
  • Pour cheese over your casseroles, soups, scrambled eggs, salads and sandwiches.
  • Spread toast, crackers or rolls with butter, nut butter or cream cheese.
Five: Cook with oil and butter. If you cook food with oil and butter, you will increase the total amount of calories on a plate without adding more food. Here are some good options:

  • Olive oil: contains 119 calories per tablespoon.
  • Canola oil: contains 120 calories per tablespoon.
  • Coconut oil: contains 117 calories per tablespoon.
  • Butter: contains 102 calories per tablespoon.

Six: If you want to build muscles, consume more protein. Muscle weighs more than body fat. Therefore, building muscle is a great way to gain weight without increasing fat. Proteins are essential for the formation of muscle mass. 

  • Lean meats and eggs are excellent sources of protein. If you prefer vegetarian options , you can include peas, nuts, chickpea paste and beans.
  • Bars and protein shakes are excellent snacks. They contain additional proteins and other nutrients.


Adjust your lifestyle:

One: Treat any hidden medical problems. Certain medications and diseases make weight gain difficult. If this is your case, you must first treat your medical problem. Check with your doctor to find out what are the right options for you.

  • If you have lost a considerable amount of weight for no reason, go to the doctor to make sure you do not suffer from a hidden disease, such as a digestive or thyroid disorder.

Two: Consult with a certified nutritionist. This professional can help you design a meal plan to achieve your weight gain goals in a healthy way. It can also advise you on what exercises to do or how to stimulate your appetite. 
  • Ask your doctor to refer you to a certified nutritionist.

Three: Leave the cigarette. Smoking suppresses appetite and affects the sense of taste and smell. Talk to the doctor about strategies to stop smoking. He could prescribe a pill or patch to quit smoking. 
  • If you can't quit, avoid smoking 1 or 2 hours before a meal.
Four: Start performing strength training to build muscle. Although it is not the fastest option, strength training is a good idea to maintain your weight in the long term. Exercise is a good way to whet your appetite. In particular, strength training is beneficial because it allows you to gain weight by developing muscles.

  • Weight training is an excellent starting point. You can also perform body weight exercises such as yoga or Pilates. Avoid exceeding yourself with cardiovascular or aerobic exercises, since they can prevent you from gaining weight.
  • The intake of additional protein is very important if you plan to build muscle mass through exercise.
  • Some good strength training exercises are squats, dead lifts, weightlifting above the head, weightlifting on the bench, rowing oars, parallel bottoms, push-ups, abdominal, bicep curls, leg presses and machine leg presses.

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