8 Tips To Lose Weight Quickly And Healthy

Lose weight in an easy, healthy and fast way.

We all want to lose weight fast, but eating a diet is an expensive process, since we must give up many foods that we like.

But everything with effort is possible, you just have to set a goal and focus on it.

In this blog we are going to show you 8 tips to make this weight loss easier and faster and also get it in a healthy way.

1. Eliminate refined sugar!

I know you don't want to hear it.

You have known it for a long time, but because you love to continue eating sugar, you prefer to look for other solutions.

We know that your dream would be to lose weight quickly and eat sweets at the same time.

But yes, sugar is just crap.

It is not good for your body and makes you fat and certainly does not help you lose weight quickly.

Avoid all foods that contain sugar:

  • Biscuits.
  • Cakes
  • Chocolate (You can eat dark chocolate that contains at least 70% pure cocoa)
  • Sugar in tea or coffee
  • Sugar-rich bread spreads
  • Crispy Muesli where sugar makes it nice and crispy
  • Soft drinks, juices and chocolate milk.
  • Alcohol (is seen by your body as pure sugar.

Break your addiction with sugar.

That is difficult at first, but as soon as you get used to it you will notice that you become much more energetic and that the fat escapes from your body.

2. Avoid other fast carbohydrates

Losing weight quickly by eating carbohydrates is not possible.

"Fast carbohydrates" are carbohydrates that are processed so fast that your body treats them like sugar.

Even if they are not sweet.

This again concerns highly processed products.

Think of white flour and all products made with it:

  • All bread that is not integral
  • Cakes and cakes
  • Pasta
  • White bread

Choose whole grain products as much as possible and, in general, eat smaller portions of carbohydrates.

Eat a serving of fat and / or protein at the same time to make sure that carbohydrates are absorbed by your body more slowly.

In this way, prevent your blood sugar level from rising rapidly and your body converts sugar into body fat.

Basically, base your diet on vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts, legumes, seeds, fish, meat, tofu, meat substitutes, etc.

They are very tasty foods, and they are not made with sugar or flour.

3. Eliminate salt from your food

If  you eat a lot of salt, you will automatically retain a lot of liquid.

When people start eating healthy, they lose weight quickly at first.

The first 5 kilos that lose soil are made up of fluid retained by the body.

Because you start eating healthier you get less salt.

This way, you will retain less fluids and therefore lose weight quickly.

  • Make your own food. Avoid prepared products.
  • Cook with less salt. If you add salt, put it at the beginning of the cooking process.
  • The later you add the salt, the more it will need.
  • Use healthy spices to give your food more flavor, such as turmeric, ginger, black pepper, cinnamon, etc.
  • Get used to eating with less salt. If you have eaten a lot of salty snacks, then you will have to get used to the food without salt. But, come on, there are worse things in life.
  • If you use salt, do not opt ​​for the refined variant (table salt). Like white sugar, this is bad for your body. Choose coarse sea salt. It contains more minerals and, therefore, is recognizable and nutritious for your body.

Eating and cooking with less salt (or without salt) is a good habit that will serve you for the rest of your life. Eat less salt and lose weight will be a less expensive task.

How do you eat less salt?
How do you eat less salt?

4. Stop stress

If you're stressed, stress hormones complain through the blood system, which tends to stimulate fat storage.

Therefore, rapid weight loss not only has to do with food and exercise, but also with your emotional state.

The better you feel, the easier it will be to lose weight.

So face your stress.

Exercise, meditate and work on your problems.

5. Eat plants (Fruits and vegetables)

Do you want to lose weight faster? Base your diet primarily on live foods.

No, do not immediately run to a Chinese store to supply all kinds of flutter.

With live food, we mean plants.

The plants are very healthy and we don't eat them enough.

The more you base your diet on plants, the easier it will be to lose weight.

Eat salads, prepare smoothies, use fresh vegetables at your dinners.

Snack with vegetables, breakfast with some vegetables and fruits, lunch and dinner with vegetables.

Plants are full of nutrients and many of them probably aren't even known.

6. Eat more protein

Add more protein to your meals and snacks to lose weight faster.

You can do it more often by choosing cottage cheese, eggs, canned tuna, tofu, chickpeas, poultry, meat, fish, etc.

Protein prevents your blood sugar levels from rising rapidly.

In addition, protein is an important building material for your muscles.

It helps you recover faster after exercise and also get better results in your training.

In addition, it gives you a feeling of satiety, you stay full for longer.

Eat more protein

7. Move more

This is quite simple, start exercising at least 2/3 times a week.

Every calorie you burn is not stored as fat.

By exercising more frequently, you lose weight much more easily, especially if you only want to lose a few pounds.

In addition, the exercise is pleasant, healthy, good for your figure and also helps you to disconnect.

8. Avoid power saving mode

Do not eat too little, because if you eat little and train a lot your body will generate little energy and it will cost you more to lose weight.

If your body receives very little energy on a structural basis, change to a type of energy saving mode.

It's not about not eating, it's about eating healthy things and helping you create energy.

With that energy your body will be incredibly efficient with every calorie you enter.

Do you want to be sure that your body does not enter economic mode? Eat everything you want once a week, what is known as "cheat day or chat meal".

In this way, you can cheat your body a little and you can continue to lose weight.

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