Beauty Tips for Teenagers

Beauty Tips for Teenagers
Beauty Tips for Teenagers
The twelve years in a wonderful stage of life since you are in the age in which you pass from children to youth at this age it is essential to have different beauty care to look good in the present and in the future that is why that today I bring you some beauty tips for teenagers of 12 years

How to have very soft hands? To have very soft hands, repair a coconut oil tea scrub one month a week; you just have to mix a spoon of coconut oil, a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of brown sugar; Rub this mixture in your hands for three minutes and rinse. Use it every day

How to remove dead cells? To remove the door cells once a week use a homemade coffee scrub, with this simple trick you will remove the dead cells from your skin, your face and your body will be much softer. To make this mask you need a cup of ground coffee a brown sugar rate, two tablespoons of honey 3 tablespoons of olive oil, mix all the ingredients the mask should have an easy to apply texture without it being too liquid; apply the mask on your face and body let the mask rest until it dries and rinse with warm or fresh water.

How to hydrate your skin?: To hydrate your skin, drinking water is essential to have beautiful skin but if you add the nutrients of the fruit you will have better results in addition these waters of fruits will help you lose weight I recommend that you make strawberry water and basil. You need 10 strawberries and a handful of basil leaves you just have to cut the strawberries into a glass and then add the basil leaves and finally add the water; Let stand for two hours and ready this great recipe is a great detox layers to clean your body deeply.

Healthy foods ? If you want to see yourself much more beautiful you must take care of what enters your mouth remember you are what to eat, consume more fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants such as carrot, lemon, tomato, nuts, broccolis, apples, paprika and grapes.

Rest well: Try to sleep at least 8 sheets in this way you will look like a girl with a lot of energy but if you feel that your body is tired make a tea detoxify boil water and add a cinnamon stick a piece of ginger and the piece of medium lemon.

How to give life to your skin? To give your skin life, so that you have a prettier skin use a little homemade spray mix half a cup of green tea with two tablespoons of aloe vera and pour the mixture into a spray canister apply it during the day; This will keep your skin hydrated.

How to remove facial blemishes?: To remove facial blemishes the best and easiest solution is to use rice water; boil two tablespoons of white rice in a cup of water wait until it looks like a white milk, strain the mixture and let it cool keep the liquid in a jar and apply it with a cotton every morning and every night.

How to eliminate imperfections ? To eliminate imperfections of your face; at age 12 it is very likely that you will start to see pimples if you get a little stick in your face before bedtime apply a little tea tree oil and let it sit overnight if you are constant you will start to see how the pimples disappear in few days.

How to have a softer face?: To have a softer face, I recommend that you apply a little natural aloe vera gel every night and remove it with plenty of water the next morning.

How to have beautiful lips? to have a more beautiful lips it is necessary to make a small coconut mask you just have to mix a spoonful of coconut with a spoonful of honey this mixture you have to apply it on your lips for about 5 minutes.

Do not touch your face at age 12 it is very simple that impurities appear on your face that is why it is recommended that you keep your skin free of bacteria; I recommend that you do not touch your face since your hands keep many microbes this bad habit can cause acne to appear.

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