8 Natural Foods to Lower Blood Sugar Levels

8 Natural Foods to Lower Blood Sugar Levels

When sugars taken alone, these are rapidly absorbed by the digestive tract and pass the bloodstream causing a rapid increase of blood sugar, which is called a peak blood glucose. However, when there are also fats and proteins in the stomach, blood glucose is lower because absorption is slower, as these nutrients are digested more slowly.

With the increase in blood glucose, insulin is secreted, which causes glucose to pass into the cell so that it can be used as energy. In people with insulin resistance, the cells do not capture glucose, so it stays in the bloodstream generating a high level of blood glucose. High blood glucose levels damage the eyes, kidneys, nerves and blood vessels.

In people without insulin resistance and who take sugars alone, there is a very rapid increase in blood sugar level, and consequently, a high insulin peak. This increases appetite, with the consequent weight gain if food is still ingested, and the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Also when large amounts of sugar are ingested alone, as in the case of sugary drinks, sugar enters the bloodstream in a lot and at high speed. This has another consequence and is that sugar is converted into fat in the liver. This is the cause of insulin resistance, obesity, and, as we have said, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and even cancers.

Sugar, when decomposed in digestion, divides its composition into 50 percent glucose and 50 percent fructose. Glucose is what causes a peak in blood glucose to occur and fructose is what goes to the liver.

Today diets have been westernized, which means that fructose is added to foods, to packaged foods. This causes us to consume a lot of fructose, much more than we should consume.

An industrial food product is corn syrup, it is one of the alternatives to sucrose, sweeter and cheaper than other products made with sugar cane.

This product has a very simple composition, there is no chemical bond that binds it together. Therefore, no need digestion, but goes directly and at a high speed to the bloodstream and liver, producing, as noted above, lipogenesis, ie, the production of triglycerides and cholesterol.

In addition, fructose produces holes in the intestine, allowing substances such as byproducts of toxic intestinal bacteria and partially digested proteins to pass into the bloodstream causing inflammation of the cells, obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, dementia and accelerated aging.

Complex carbohydrates are foods that make the blood glucose level low, therefore, the insulin level will also be low. To this we must add that the highs and lows of glucose will not occur, that is, that the level of glucose in the blood goes up a lot and then also goes down very quickly. This abrupt descent produces tiredness and hunger.

They are complex carbohydrates, for example, peas, beans, whole grains and vegetables.

There is also another solution to making sugars and replacing them with other healthier alternative sugars, such as stevia, local raw honey, molasses, yacon syrup or maple syrup.

On the other hand, we are going to see some foods that lower blood sugar levels and help us maintain a healthy heart and a more stable appetite. These foods are:

the nuts
Walnuts have a large amount of omega-3 acids, which helps reduce blood sugar and keep insulin stable. It also improves blood vessels and prevents heart disease, arteriosclerosis and diabetes.

It has a lot of fiber and fat, helping to reduce cholesterol, a complication that arises in those who have diabetes. It has potassium, folate, eighteen vitamins, and minerals.

Strawberries, blueberries or raspberries have many antioxidants and fibers, they are low in calories and glycemia. They are the perfect snack for those who have diabetes.

The lemons
They have vitamins and antioxidants. They help reduce the impact of glucose from carbohydrates in the blood and improve digestion. They can be taken with water before or during the meal, in vegetables or with meat.

It also helps reduce blood sugar levels. It is antibacterial, antiseptic and has antiviral properties. Stimulates the pancreas to produce more insulin. It reduces blood pressure, dilates blood vessels and helps in the dilution of blood, thereby improving circulation. Strengthens the immune system and vital organs, such as the liver, kidneys or pancreas.

They have a lot of fiber, so they help alleviate hunger. They are also composed of a very healthy fat for people with diabetes. It is recommended to eat little every day, due to the high amount of calories they have.

They also have a lot of fiber, soluble and insoluble, which helps reduce the absorption of fats and sugars.

The apples
A compound of apples is quercetin. In studies in Finland this substance helped lower deaths by heart problems caused by diabetes by 20 percent.

Quercetin is also found in onion, tomatoes and green vegetables.

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